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α?ράω (α?ρή), act. only pres. inf. α?ρήμεναι, Od. 22.322; mid. fut. α?ρήσομαι, aor. ἠρησάμην: pray to the deity, and in the sense of wish; Διΐ, δαίμοσι, πάντεσσι θεοῖσι (see cut for attitude); πολλά, ‘fervently’; εὐχομένη δ᾽ ἠρᾶτο, ‘lifted up her voice in prayer,’ Il. 6.304; with inf., Od. 22.322, etc.; στυγερα?ς α?ρήσετ᾽ ἐρι_νῦς, ‘invoke,’ ‘call down,’ Od. 2.135; in the sense of wish, Il. 13.286, Od. 1.366, and often.

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