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Ποσειδα?ων : Poseidon (Neptūnus), son of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Hades, etc., and husband of Amphitrīte. As god of the sea, the element assigned to him by lot (Il. 15.189), he sends winds and storms, moves the waters with his trident, and causes earthquakes, ἐνοσίχθων, ἐννοσίγαιος, γαιήοχος. To him, as to Hades, black bulls were sacrificed, Od. 3.6; cf. the epithet κυ_ανοχαίτης. Poseidon is the enemy of the Trojans in consequence of the faithlessness of Laomedon, Il. 21.443 ff.; and of Odysseus, because of the blinding of Polyphēmus, his son, Od. 1.20. His dwelling is in the depths of the sea near Aegae, Il. 13.21, Od. 5.381; but he attends the assembly of the gods on Olympus, Il. 8.440, Il. 15.161.
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