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Ἄργος (2), εος: Argos, a name with some variety of application.—(1) the city of Argos in Argolis, the domain of Diomed, Il. 2.559, Il. 6.224, Il. 14.119, Od. 3.180, Od. 15.224, Od. 21.108; epithets, Ἀχαιικόν, ἱππόβοτον, πολύπυ_ρον.—(2) in wider sense, the realm of Agamemnon, who dwelt in Mycēnae, Il. 1.30, Il. 2.108, 115, Il. 4.171, Il. 9.22, Il. 13.379, Ο 30, Od. 3.263.—(3) the entire Peloponnēsus, Il. 6.152, Od. 3.251, Od. 4.174; and with Hellas (καθ᾽ Ἑλλάδα καὶ μέσον Ἄργος) for the whole of Greece, Od. 1.344, Od. 4.726, 816.—(4) Πελασγικόν, the domain of Achilles, the valley and plain of the river Penēus, Il. 2.681, Il. 6.456, Il. 24.437, Od. 24.37. In some passages the name is used too vaguely to determine its exact application.
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