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TAURIA´NUM (Traviano), a town on the W. coast of Bruttium, near the mouth of the river Metaurus (Marro). Its name is mentioned by Mela, who places it between Scylla and Metaurum. It was probably, therefore, situated to the S. of the river, while the town of Metaurum was on its N. bank. Subsequently all trace of the latter disappears; but the name of Tauriana is still found in the Tabula which places it 23 miles S. of Vibo Valentia. (Mel. 2.4.8; Tab. Peut.) It became the see of a bishop in the later ages of the Roman empire, and retained that dignity down to the time of Gregory VII., when the town had fallen into complete decay. Its ruins, however, still exist, and the site is said to retain the name of Traviano. (Holsten. Not. ad Cluver. p. 299; Romanelli, vol. i. p. 70.)

There can be no doubt that the “Tauroentum oppidum” of Pliny (3.5. s. 10),,which he mentions immediately after the “Metaurus amnis,” is the same place that is called by Mela Taurianum.


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    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 3.5
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