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Eth. NARISCI a German tribe of the Suevi, occupying the country in the west of the Gabreta Silva, and east of the Hermunduri. They extended in the north as far as the Sudeti Montes, and in the south as far as the Danube. In the reign of M. Aurelius, 3000 of them emigrated southward into the Roman province. (D. C. 71.21, where they are called Ναρισταί.) After the Marcomannian war, they completely disappear from history, and the country once occupied by them is inhabited, in the Peuting. Table, by a tribe called Armalausi. (Tac. Germ. 42; Jul. Capitol. M. Ant. 22.) Ptolemy (2.11.23) calls them Varisti (Οὐαριστοί), which is possibly the more genuine form of the name, since in the middle ages a portion of the country once inhabited by them bore the name of Provincia Variscorum.


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    • Claudius Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, 2.11
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