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JOMANES (Plin. Nat. 6.17. s. 21), the most important of the affluents of the Ganges, into which it flows near the city of Allahabad (Pratishthána). There can be no doubt that Arrian means the same river when he speaks of Iobares (Ind. 100.8); and Ptolemy expresses nearly the same sound, when lie names the Diamuna (7.1.29). It is now called the Jamúna or Jumnna. The Jumna rises in the highest part of the Himálaya, at no great distance from the sources of the Sutledge and Ganges, respectively, in the neighbourhood of Iamunávatári (Jumnotri), which is probably the most sacred spot of Hindu worship. It enters the Indian plain country at Fyzabad, and on its way to join the Ganges it passes the important cities of Dehli (Indraprastha) and Agra (Crishmapura), and receives several large tributaries. These affluents, in order from W. to E., are the Sambus (Arrian Ind. chap. 4), (probably the Carmanvati or Cambal), the Betwa (or Vetravati), and the Cainas (Arrian, l.c.; Plin. Nat. 6.19. s. 21: now Cáyana or Céna). The last has been already mentioned as one of the tributaries of the Ganges.


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  • Cross-references from this page (3):
    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 6.17
    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 6.19
    • Arrian, Indica, 4
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