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HISPA´NUM MARE or HISPA´NUS OCEANUS, also called MARE IBERICUM and BALEARICUM (πόντος Ἰβηρικός, τὸ Ἰβηρικὸν πέλαγος. τὸ Βαλλιαρικὸν πέλαγος), the specific name of the W. part of the MARE INTERNUM (Mediterranean), about the Balearic islands, and along the E. coast, and also, according to some of the ancients, the S. coast of Hispania. Thus Agathemerus makes it extend from the Pillars of Hercules to the Pyrenees. (Strab. ii. p.122; Dion. Per. 69; Agathem. 1.3, 2.14; Flor. 3.6,9; Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 10; Solin 23; Priscian. Perieg. 75; Claudian. 23.8.)


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    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 3.5
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