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theātrum ī, n

, τηέατρον, a play-house, theatre: theatrum cum commune sit: In vacuo sessor theatro, H.: Philippus in acie tutior quam in theatro fuit, Cu.: exeamus e theatro, i. e. cease to speak of actors.—Among the Greeks, a councilroom, audience-room: cum in theatro imperiti homines consederant: super theatrum consistunt, L.: veniebat in theatrum, cum ibi concilium populi haberetur, N.—An open space for martial games, parade ground: mediā in valle theatri Circus erat, V.—The spectators in a theatre, an audience: frequentissimum: qui (modi) totis theatris maestitiam inferant: spissis theatris Scripta recitare, to crowded audiences, H.—Fig., a place of exhibition, theatre, stage: nullum theatrum virtuti conscientiā maius est.

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