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taceō cuī, citus, ēre

TAC-, to be silent, not speak, say nothing, hold one's peace : praedicemne an taceam? T.: tacendo loqui videbantur: nobis tacentibus: taceamus, L.: in iis rebus, in quibus, etc.: Vere prius volucres taceant, aestate cicadae, O.: Cum tacet omnis ager, V.: Plectra dolore tacent, O.: loca tacentia, the silent land , V.To pass over in silence, keep quiet, leave unsaid, not speak : Quae vera audivi, taceo, T.: multa: quid tacuit? H.: Ut alios taceam, not to speak of others , O.: Ignotumst, tacitumst, creditumst, T.: in medio Marte tacetur Amor, O.: quoquo pacto tacitost opus, it must be kept quiet , T.

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