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re-lēgō āvī, ātus, āre,

to send away, send out of the way, despatch, remove, seclude: filium ab hominibus: (filium) rus supplici causā: relegati longe ab ceteris, Cs.: procul Europā in ultima orientis relegati senes, Cu.: civīs procul ab domo, L.: relegatum in aliā insulā exercitum detinere, Ta.: tauros in sola Pascua, V.: terris gens relegata ultimis: Hippolytum nemori, consign, V.— To send into exile, banish, exile, relegate (enforcing residence in a particular town or province, without loss of civil rights): ut equites a consule relegarentur: relegatus, non exsul, dicor in illo, O.: relegatus in exilium, L.: ultra Karthaginem, L.— Fig., to send back, send away, put aside, reject: a re p. relegatus, i. e. driven from public life: Samnitium dona: ambitione relegatā, apart, H.: mea verba, O.—To refer: studiosos ad illud volumen, N.: ornandi causas tibi, Tb.

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