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recessus ūs, m

re-+CAD-, a going back, receding, retiring, retreat, departure : a pestiferis (rebus): ut luna accessu et recessu suo solis lumen accipiat: recessum primis ultimi non dabant, i. e. means of retreat , Cs.A remote place, retired spot, nook, corner, retreat, recess : mihi solitudo et recessus provincia est: non recessus ipse defendit, our remote position , Ta.: auctumno tecta ac recessum circumspicere, L.: spelunca vasto submota recessu, in a deep recess , V.: Luminis exigui prope templa, inner chamber , O.: Phrygiae recessūs omnīs peragrasti, L.: pulchri, inner rooms , O.—Fig., a withdrawal : tum accessus a te ad causam fati, tum recessus, advance<*> and retreats : habere in dicendo umbram aliquam et recessum, shade and background : in animis hominum sunt recessūs.

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