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ē-vertō or ēvortō tī, sus, ere,

to overturn, upturn, turn upside down: navem: aequora ventis, V.: aquas, O.: eversas cervicīs tuas abstine, refrain from twisting your neck, T.—To overturn, overthrow, upset, throw down: bustum in foro: statuam: pinum, V.: tecta in dominum, O.—To turn out, drive out, expel, eject: pupillum fortunis patriis: hunc funditus bonis.—To overthrow, subvert, destroy: urbīs: castellum, H.—Fig., to overthrow, ruin, subvert, destroy, abolish: provincias: leges Caesaris: testamenta, iura: everso succurrere saeclo, V.: disciplinam, L.: spem, O.: Crassos, Pompeios, ruin, Iu.

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