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ēligō lēgī, lēctus, ere

ex + 1 lego, to pluck out, root out : stirpes trunco everso eligendae sunt: herbas, Cu.—Fig., to root out : superstitionis stirpes.— To pick out, choose, elect, select, single out : iudices ex civitatibus: quemvis mediā turbā, H.: formas quasdam nostrae pecuniae, have a preference for , Ta.: a multis commodissimum quodque, from many authors : equos numero omni, V.: feras, Ta.: ad minima malorum eligenda: urbi condendae locum, L.: utrum velis factum esse necne: fictum Esse Iovem malis, an, etc., O.: haud semper errat fama, aliquando et elegit, i. e. makes a true selection , Ta.

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