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magmentārĭus , a, um, adj. magmentum,
I.of or belonging to an addition made to a sacrifice (ante-class.): magmentum a magis, quod ad religionem magis pertinet; “itaque propter hoc magmentaria fana instituta locis certis, quo id imponeretur,Varr. L. L. 5, § 112 Müll.—Hence, subst.: magmentārĭum , i, n. (sc. sacellum), a sanctuary for additional sacrifices: “putant enim ad me non nulli pertinere magmentarium Telluris aperire,Cic. Har. Resp. 14, 31: magmentarium ἐφ̓ οὗ τὰ σπλάγχνα ἀνατιθέμενα τοῖς βωμοῖς προσφέρονται, Gloss. Philox.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (1):
    • Cicero, On the Responses of the Haruspices, 14.31
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