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lĭcentĭōsus , a, um, adj. licentia,
I.full of freedom or license, over-free, unbridled, unrestrained, wanton, licentious (post-Aug.): (ebor dicere) non minus est licentiosum, quam si sulfuri et gutturi subicerent in genitivo litteram o mediam, * Quint. 1, 6, 23: “temeritas,App. M. 5, p. 165, 11.— Comp.: “conversatio cum viris licentiosior,Sen. Excerpt. Contr. 6, 8, § 5.—Sup.: “libidini licentiosissimum spatium praebere,Aug. adv. Pelag. 2, 7.—Adv.: lĭcentĭōsē (late Lat. and rare), Aug. Gen. ad Lit. 8, 11.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (1):
    • Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book 1, 6.23
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