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ex-ōsus , a, um, Part. [odi].
I. Act., hating exceedingly, detesting (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): “si nondum exosus ad unum Trojanos,Verg. A. 5, 687: “pugnas,id. ib. 12, 818: “bella,id. ib. 12, 517: “terras,Ov. M. 7, 524: “arma,Flor. 4, 11, 1: “patrios mores exosus es,Curt. 8, 7, 12: “fortunam,Sen. ad Marc. 2, 5.—With gen. (late Lat.): vitae hujus exosa, Boëth. Cons. Phil. 2, 4.—
II. Pass., hated exceedingly, hateful, odious (post-class.): “diis exosos esse,Macr. Sat. 1, 11, 45: “eo digna omnium ordinum detestatione exoso,Amm. 14, 11, 3; 18, 3, 6; 27, 9, 2: “ob scelera universis exosus,Eutr. 7, 23: “exosum habere,Vulg. 2 Reg. 13, 15 al.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (4):
    • Ovid, Metamorphoses, 7.524
    • Vergil, Aeneid, 5.687
    • Old Testament, 2 Samuel, 13.15
    • Curtius, Historiarum Alexandri Magni, 8.7.12
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