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λιπαρέω 1 2 persist, persevere, hold out, Hdt.; so in part., διάγειν λιπαρέοντας to continue to hold out, id=Hdt.; also, reversely, λιπαρέετε μένοντες persist in holding your ground, id=Hdt.; so, c. dat., λ. τῇ πόσει to keep on drinking, id=Hdt.
II.of persistent entreaty,
1.absol. to persist in intreating, to be importunate, id=Hdt., Aesch., etc.
2.c. acc. et inf. to importune one to do a thing, Aesch., Soph.
3.c. acc., λιπαρεῖν αὐτόν entreat earnestly for him, Dem.
from λι_πα^ρής

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