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συντέμνω from συντελής 1 2 3 4 cut in pieces: to cut down, cut short, Lat. conci_dere, Thuc.:—metaph. to curtail, abridge, Aesch., Ar.:—esp. of expenses, Thuc., Xen.: of persons, to cut off, Soph.
2.ς. χιτῶνας to cut out, shape them, Xen.
II.seemingly intr. (sub. ὁδόν) to cut the road short, cut across, Hdt.:—so, of speech, to cut the matter short, speak briefly, Eur.
III.really intr., τοῦ χρόνου συντάμνοντος as the time became short, Hdt.

1 ionic -τάμνω

2 fut. -τεμῶ

3 aor2 -έτεμον

4 aor2 inf. -τεμεῖν

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