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κυλίνδω tenses formed from κυλίω roll, roll along or down, Od., Soph., etc.: metaph., πῆμα θεὸς Δαναοῖσι κυλίνδει rolls down calamity upon one, Il. roll away, Anth.
II.Pass. to be rolled, roll along, roll, Hom.: to toss about like a ship at sea, Pind.: to be whirled round on a wheel, of Ixion, id=Pind.
2.of persons, κυλίνδεσθαι κατὰ κόπρον to roll or wallow in the dirt (in sign of grief), Hom.: to roam to and fro, wander about, Xen.
3.of Time, to roll by, Pind.
4.of words, to be tost from man to man, i. e. be much talked of, Lat. jactari, Ar.

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