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ᾤα (A), ,
A.= μηλωτή, sheepskin, Hermipp.57 (anap.), cf. Poll.10.181, Hsch.; “στέγασμα, εἴ τι βόλεστε, ἀποπέμψαι ὤας διφθέρας ὡς εὐτελεστάτας καὶ μὴ σισυρωτάςSIG1259 (Athens, iv B. C.).
2. garment of this material, a sort of drawers or apron, used by bathers, “περιζωσάμενος ᾤαν λουτρίδα, κατάδεσμον ἥβηςTheopomp.Com.37; ᾤαν λούμενος (Bentl. for λουμένῳ)“ προζώννυταιPherecr.62; worn at certain sacred rites, Hermipp.53 (anap.).
II. = ὄα (B).1, border or fringe of a garment, = τὸ κράσπεδον τοῦ ἱματίου, Ar. ap. Lex.Mess. p.411 (σὺν τῷ ι_, but Phot. and Eust. cite (Fr.228) the same play for ὀαὶ τῶν ἱματίων)“; τὴν ᾤαν τοῦ ἐνδύματοςLXXPs.132(133).2, cf. Gal.18(1).776, dub. cj. in Aen.Tact.31.23 (bis); “ᾤαν ἔχον κύκλῳ τοῦ περιστομίου, ἔργον ὑφάντου, ἵνα μὴ ῥαγῇLXXEx.28.28, cf. 36.31; Eust. speaks of the χρυσῆ ᾤα of Odysseus, 1828.53.
2. generally, edge,ἐς τὰν ἄνω ὠίαν τᾶς πέτραςGDI5075.59 (Crete); “ ὤα τοῦ ἄντρου τῆς μεγάλης πέτρας ἦν τὸ μεσαίτατονLongus 1.4; τὰν βωίαν (i. e. ϝωίαν)“ ὈρυκόππανGDI5024A24 (Crete); στεφάνυσι [δέ] ἑκατ᾽ ὤιαν ἐκόσμιον summit, dub. in Corinn.Supp.1.26.—Gramm. vary in spelling, “ὄαPoll.7.62, Hdn.Gr.2.271; ὄα and “ᾤαHsch.; “ᾦαTheognost.Can.106; “ὦαEust. (v. supr.), quoting Ael.Dion.Fr.266 (whose lexicon gave both ὄα and ᾦα) and an anonymous lexicon which gave ὀαὶ ἱματίων ὀξυτόνως καὶ συνεσταλμένως, = Ar.Fr.228): SIG1259 (v. supr.) is by a half-educated writer: Eust. considers ᾤα to be contr. from οἰέη or ὀΐα, 877.53, 1828.51.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (3):
    • Old Testament, Exodus, 28.28
    • Old Testament, Exodus, 36.31
    • Longus, Daphnis & Chloe, 1.4
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