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σμάω , 3sg. contr. σμῇ ἐπι-) Cratin.90, Ar.Th.389; inf.
A.σμῆνLuc.Lex.3; 3sg. Pass. “σμῆταιAntiph.148.4; but in Ion. and late Prose σμᾷ, σμᾶται, Hdt.9.110, Luc.Anach.29 (ἀπο-σμᾷ):—impf. ἔσμων ἐξ-) Hdt.3.148: aor. “ἔσμησαAlex.187.5:—Med., pres. part. “σμώμενοςAr.Fr.360: aor. part. “σμησάμενοιHdt.4.73; Dor. part. “σμα_σαμέναCall.Lav.Pall.32; inf. “ζμήσασθαιPEnteux.82.3 (iii B.C.): —Pass., pf. part. “προ-εζμησμένοςPSI10.1180.48 (ii A.D.). (Hence σμή-χω, cf. ψάω ψήχω, νάω νήχω):—wipe or cleanse with soap or unguent (σμῆμα)“, ἀποπλύματι τὰς τρίχαςD.S.5.28: metaph., σμήσας τε λεπτοῖς ἁλσί (sc. τὴν σηπίαν) Alex. l.c.:—Act. mostly found in compds. δια-, ἐκ-, ἐπι-σμάω:—more freq. in Med., “σμησάμενοι τὰς κεφαλάςHdt.4.73, cf. 9.110; “λιπαρὸν σμασαμένα πλόκαμονCall. l.c.: abs., “κατέλιπον αὐτὴν σμωμένην ἐν τῇ πυέλῳAr.Fr.360, cf. Antiph. l.c.—σμῆσαι and σμῆμα are said by Phryn. (228) to be more Att. than σμῆξαι, σμῆγμα; but Moer. (p.336 P.) cites ῥύπτομαι, ῥύμμα as the true Att. words.
II. wipe, wipe clean, “τὴν κάρδοπονLuc.Lex.3.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (7):
    • Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, 389
    • Herodotus, Histories, 3.148
    • Herodotus, Histories, 4.73
    • Herodotus, Histories, 9.110
    • Lucian, Anacharsis, 29
    • Lucian, Lexiphanes, 3
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 5.28
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