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σελην-ιακός , ή, όν,
A.lunar, “ἐνιαυτόςPlu.Num.18; “σφαῖραId.2.376d; ζῴδιον that in which the moon is situated, Vett.Val.19.22. Adv. -κῶς by lunar reckoning, Prm.p.631 S.
II. epileptic, Alex.Trall.1.15, cf. Orph.L.50.
III. κάνθαρος ς. a species of beetle (cf. ἡλιοκάνθαρος), PMag.Par.1.2456,2688.
IV. distinguishing epith. of a kind of κῦφι, Paul.Aeg.3.28, 7.22.
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    • Plutarch, Numa, 18
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