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πρεσβ-εῖον , Ion. and Ep. πρεσβ-ήϊον , τό,
2. privilege of age, Plu.2.787d, cf. D.39.29: hence, generally, privilege: pl., prerogatives, πρεσβεῖα διδόναι τινί, c. inf., give him as a privilege, to . . , Pl.Grg.524a; “πρεσβείων ἐπιλαμβάνεινArist.EE1242a6: c. gen., γῆς πρεσβεῖα chief share or sovereignty of the land, S.Fr. 24.3.
3. right of the eldest, his share of the inheritance,πρεσβεῖα λαβεῖνD.36.35, cf. J.AJ2.1.1; “ἀπολιπεῖν π. τὴν ἀρχήνPlu.Art.26; κατὰ τὰ π., = κατὰ πρεσβείαν, LXX Ge.43.33, cf. Nic.Dam.58J.
II. old age itself, LXX Ps.70(71).18.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (8):
    • Demosthenes, For Phormio, 35
    • Demosthenes, Against Boeotus 1, 29
    • Homer, Iliad, 8.289
    • Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 2.1.1
    • Old Testament, Genesis, 43.33
    • Plato, Gorgias, 524a
    • Sophocles, Ichneutae, 24.3
    • Plutarch, Artaxerxes, 26
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