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μνάομαι , contr. μνῶμαι , used by Hom. sts. (only in Od.) in the contr. forms μνᾶται, μνώμεθα, μνῶνται, μνάσθω, μνᾶσθαι, μνώμενος; cf. impf.
A.μνᾶτοHes.Fr.96.1: sts. in these contr. forms lengthd. again, as 2sg. pres. μνάᾳ, inf. μνάασθαι [μνα_-], part. μνωόμενος; Ion. “μνώμενοςHdt.1.96 (v.l. μνεώμενος), 205: 3pl. impf. μνώοντο, Hom. (v. infr.); imper. “μνώεοA.R.1.896, al.; opt. “μνώοιοMax.74; Ion. impf. “μνάσκετοOd.20.290: only pres. and impf., exc. aor. μνήσατο (in signf. 11.1) Eup.413.
I. to be mindful of, c. gen., “οὐ πολέμοιο ἐμνώοντοIl.2.686; “μνώοντ᾽ ὀλοοῖο φόβοιο11.71; “μνωόμενος προτέρης ἁρπακτύοςCall.Ap.95: abs., μνωομένῳ when I remember him, Od.4.106, cf. 15.400; also, turn one's mind to a thing, “φύγαδε μνώοντο ἕκαστοςIl.16.697.
II. woo for one's bride, court (not in Il.), c. acc., μήτ᾽ αὐτὸν κτείνειν μήτε μνάασθαι ἄκοιτιν, of Aegisthus, Od. 1.39; “τὴν πάντες μνώοντο11.287: with no acc. expressed, 16.77, 19.529.
2. after Hom., sue for, solicit a favour, office, etc., “μνώμενος ἀρχήνHdt.1.96; μνώμενον βασιληίην ib.205; “φιλοτιμίαν μνώμενοι στάσινPi.Fr.210; “εὔνοιαν ἑαυτῷ παρὰ τῶν στρατιωτῶν μ.Hdn.7.9.11; “πᾶσαν ἑαυτῷ πόλιν πατρίδα μ.Hld.3.14.—Ep., Ion., and late Prose; once in Com. (v. supr.). (For signf. 1 cf. μιμνήσκω; in signf. 11 perh. from μνα_- = βνα_-, i. e. g[uglide]nā-, cf. γυνή.
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