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λεκάν-η [α^], , λέκος), pot, pan, Ar.Nu.907, V.600, al., PGrenf.1.14 (ii B.C.), etc.; basin, IG42(1).122.57 (Epid., iv B.C.); hod, Ar.Av.840, 1143, IG22.1672.184; cf. λακάνη:—Dim. λεκαν-ίδιον , τό, Poll.10.84, Eust.1402.16:
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (4):
    • Aristophanes, Birds, 1143
    • Aristophanes, Birds, 840
    • Aristophanes, Clouds, 907
    • Aristophanes, Wasps, 600
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