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κάλα^θος [κα^], ,
A.basket narrow at the base, Ar.Av.1325 (lyr.); esp. for wool, Hsch.; for fruit, Arist.Rh.1413a21; carried in procession in honour of Demeter, Call.Cer.1, cf. Gloss.Oxy.1802 Fr.3.30.
2. Archit., capital of a column, in this form, Callix.1, cf. Vitr.4.1.9.
II. wine-cooler, = ψυκτήρ, Hsch.
III. mould for casting iron, Id.
IV. reservoir of an oil-lamp, Hero Spir.2.22.
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    • Aristophanes, Birds, 1325
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