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ἐνόδιος , α, ον, Ep. εἰνόδιος , η, ον Il.16.260, and so Trag. in lyr., in fem. εἰνοδία: Thess. Ἐννοδία IG9(2).358, 1286; later ος, ον Paus. 3.14.9:— or on the way, σφήκεσσιν ἐοικότες . . εἰνοδίοις like wasps that have their nests by the way-side, Il.16.260; . σύμβολοι omens seen on the way, portending good or ill success, A.Pr.487; “πόλειςPlu.Aem.8; “στάσεις σκηνῶνId.Ant.9; “ὅπλαfor use by the way, D.H. 4.48.
2. Subst. ἐνόδια, τά, nets for stopping the pathways, X.Cyn. 6.9.
b. blisters caused by walking, Thphr.Sud.15.
II. epith. of divinities, who had their statues by the way-side or at cross-roads, most freq. of Hecate, “εἰνοδίας ἙκάτηςS.Fr.535.2; also of Persephone, “ἐνοδία θεόςId.Ant.1199; “εἰνοδία θυγάτηρ ΔάματροςE.Ion 1048; “δαίμων ἐνοδίαIG14.1390; and Ἐνοδία alone, Hp.Morb.Sacr. 1, E.Hel.570, AP6.199 (Antiphil.),; “ ἘνόδιοςPaus. l. c., v.l. in Hp.l.c.; also of Hermes, Theoc.25.4, etc.
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hide References (12 total)
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (12):
    • Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 487
    • Euripides, Helen, 570
    • Euripides, Ion, 1048
    • Homer, Iliad, 16.260
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 3.14.9
    • Sophocles, Antigone, 1199
    • Xenophon, On Hunting, 6.9
    • Sophocles, Ichneutae, 535.2
    • Hippocrates, De morbo sacro, 1
    • Plutarch, Antonius, 9
    • Plutarch, Aemilius Paullus, 8
    • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, 4.48
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