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δί-θυ^ρος [ι^], ον,
A.with two doors or entrances, νεώς, ἄντρον, Plu.Num. 20, Porph.Antr.3; bivalve, of shell-fish, Arist.HA528a12; of the mouth, Corn.ND30, etc.; of two leaves,δ. γραμματείδιονa diptych, Men.327, cf. Lib.Or.51.11, Ep.1021.1; of seeds, which split in germinating, Arist.Juv.468b19, Thphr.HP8.2.2; δίθυρον, τό, door with two leaves, Annales du Service 19.63,64 (ii B. C.), BGU1028.9 (ii A. D.).
II. τὰ δ. seat of honour, = Lat. tribunal, Plb.27.1.6.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Polybius, Histories, 27.1.6
    • Plutarch, Numa, 20
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