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ἀτον-ία , ,
A.slackness, enervation, debility, Hp.Aër.20; laziness, Epicur.Nat.54 G.; “ψυχῆςPlu.2.535d; “ἀσθένεια καὶ .Luc.Nigr.36; “ἰνῶν . καὶ τρόμοςPhld.Acad.Ind.p.76M.; as Stoic term, lack of τόνος (q.v.), Chrysipp.Stoic.3.120,123, Arr.Epict. 2.15.4, etc.; in oratory, lack of vigour in delivery, Hermog.Inv.4.
3. ἄτον-ος , ον, not stretched, slack, relaxed, of the limbs, Hp.Aër.3 (Comp.), 19; lacking in elasticity, of strands in torsion-engine, Ph. Bel.58.18; “πνοαίD.S.1.41; “σφυγμοίAret.SD2.9; of fruit, insipid, Dsc. 1.112 (Comp.), al.; τὸ . τῆς γεύσεως v.l. ib.127; “φωνεῖν ἄτονονArist.Phgn.813b3: Medic., of the stomach, Ath.3.79f (Comp.), etc.: c. inf., too weak to . . , D.L.7.35; of oratorical style, D.H.Dem.20, cf. Hermog.Id.2.11 (Comp.), Eun. VSp.493 B. (Comp.). Adv.“-νωςPlu. Lyc.18: Comp. “-ώτερονJ.BJ4.1.5; “-ωτέρωςArchig. ap. Orib.8.2.26.
2. as Stoic term, lacking τόνος (q.v.), “σπέρμαSphaer.Stoic.1.141; opp. εὔτονος, Chrysipp. ib.2.155, 3.121.
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hide References (4 total)
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (4):
    • Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War, 4.1.5
    • Aretaeus, De causis et signis acutorum morborum (lib. 2), 2.9
    • Plutarch, Lycurgus, 18
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 1.41
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