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Κώρυ^κος , , Corycus, a promontory of Cilicia, h.Ap.39, etc.:— Adj. Κωρυκαῖος , α, ον: the inhabitants were infamous for
A.spying out the destination and value of ships' cargoes and then piratically seizing them, Ephor.27 J., etc.: hence Κωρυκαῖος, prov. of spies and eavesdroppers, Str.14.1.32, Cic.Att.10.18.1, prob. in Call.Iamb.1.143; K. ἠκροάσατο, 'a little bird told me', Men.150; μὴ κατακούσειεν δέ μου K., 'low be it spoken', Diox.2:—also Κωρύκιον σκάφος piratical craft, Alciphr.1.8.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (3):
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 10.18.1
    • Homeric Hymns, Hymn 3 to Apollo, 39
    • Strabo, Geography, 14.1.32
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