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ψυ_χι-κός , ή, όν,
A.of the soul or life, spiritual, opp. “σωματικός, ἡδοναίArist.EN1117b28; “ὁρμαίPlb.8.10.9; πνεῦμα ψ. the spirit, or breath of life, Plu.2.1084e, etc.; νόσος ib.524d. Adv. “-κῶςPh.1.81; opp. σωματικῶς, νοερῶς, Procl.Inst.139; also, heartily, from the heart, LXX 2 Ma.4.37, 14.24.
2. of the animal life, animal, ψ. ἄνθρωπος the natural man, opp. πνευματικός, 1 Ep.Cor.2.14, cf. Ep.Jud.19, Phot. s.v.
3. brave, Alex.338.
II. for the soul or spirit of one deceased, ψ. δῶρα διδούς, sc. to Hermes, Epigr.Gr.815.4 (Crete).
III. cooling, Vett.Val.6.27 (s. v. l.).
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