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χελών-ιον , τό,
A.tortoise-shell, Arist. PA671a32, Resp.479a6 (v.l. χελωνιδίων), Ael.NA7.16.
2. crab's shell, Plu.2.400a, Suid.s.v. Τενέδιος.
II. arched part of the back, Poll.2.177: pl., muscles of the back, prob. for χελύνια in LXX De.34.7.
III. part of a lock, IG11(2).287A46 (Delos, iii B. C.), Inscr.Délos 316.72 (iii B. C.), PTeb.46.17 (ii B. C.), BGU1028.20,26 (ii A. D.), POxy.113.4 (ii A. D.), Theognost.Can.124, Sch.Od.21.47.
2. arch or bow for releasing the string of the stomach-bow, Hero Bel.77.11.
3. knob against which the butt-ends of the arms of a torsion-engine rest, ib.93.7.
4. prob. part of an irrigation machine, PLond.3.1177.179 (ii A. D.); part of a crane in which the axle turns, Vitr.10.2.2, al.
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