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ὥριος (A), α, ον, Pi.P.9.98; also ος, ον AP7.188 (Thall.), 9.311 (Phil.), Opp.H.1.689:—poet. form of ὡραῖος,
A.produced in season, ὥρια πάντα all the fruits of the season, Od.9.131, Theoc.7.62, cf. Hes. Op.394, Theoc.15.112, AP9.329 (Leon.).
II. generally, in due season, seasonable,ἔργαHes.Op.392, 422; γάμος ib.697; “ὠδίςOpp. l.c., cf. AP9.311 (Phil.); χρόνος . ἡμῖν ib.10.100 (Antiphan.); “πλόος κώπαις .Arat.154; ὥριον (sc. ἐστί) c. inf., it is time . . , Sol.27.9 (s. v. l.).
2. youthful,ἄνθοςEpigr.Gr.319 (Philadelphia); fresh, ὥριον οἷά τε μῆλον κτλ. Archyt.Amphiss.2 ( = Euph.11).
III. ὥρια, τά, the season,νόσον ὥρια τίκτειBionFr.15.13.—This poet. form is also used in late Prose, “τὸ . τῆς ἀκμῆςHld.10.9; “τὰ .D.L.2.139, cf. Him.Or.3.5. Adv. “-ωςAnon. ap. Suid.; but neut. sg. used as Adv., Arat.1076.
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