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ὕφαιμος , ον, (αἷμα)
A.suffused with blood, blood-shot, Hp.Aph.5.23; of the nails, Orib.Syn.7.18; “ὑγρασίαSor.1.19; “ῥοῦςId.2.43; “οἱ βραχίονες καὶ οἱ καρποὶ τῶν χειρῶνD.47.59; esp. of the eyes, S.E. P.1.44, Gal.18(2).301. Philostr.Gym.25, Philostr.Jun.Im.15; “βλέφαρα .Arist.Phgn.807b29; “ὕφαιμον βλέπεινMen.Epit.479, Ael.NA 3.21; “ῥίζα . τὴν χρόανDsc.4.23.
II. of complexion or temperament, sanguine, Hp.Epid.3.14; “. ἵπποςhot-blooded, Pl.Phdr. 253e; “θερμὸς καὶ .Arist.Phgn.806b4, cf. 807b32.
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