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τέττιξ , ι_γος (but ι_κος Ar. and Theoc. acc. to Hdn.Gr. ap. Choerob. in Theod.1.292 H.), ,
A.cicala, Cicada plebeia or allied species, a winged insect fond of basking on trees, when the male makes a chirping or clicking noise by means of certain drums or 'tymbals' underneath the wings, whence the joke in Xenarch.14, εἶτ᾽ . . οἱ τέττιγες οὐκ εὐδαίμονες, ὧν ταῖς γυναιξὶν οὐδ᾽ ὁτιοῦν φωνῆς ἔνι; prov., “τέττιγος ἐδράξω πτεροῦArchil.143 (v. “συλλαμβάνω11.1). This noise is freq. used as a simile for sweet sounds, Il.3.151, Hes.Op.582, Sc.393, Simon.173, 174, etc.; and Plato calls them οἱ Μουσῶν προφῆται, Phdr.262d; but they also became a prov. for garrulity, “λαλεῖν τέττιξAristopho10.7: “τ. πολλοὶ γινόμενοι νοσῶδες τὸ ἔτος σημαίνουσιThphr.Sign.54. They were thought to sing continually without food or drink, Ar.Nu. 1360, Pl.Phdr.259c; or on a diet of air and dew, Arist.HA532b13, Theoc.4.16, AP6.120 (Leon.), Anacreont.32, Plu.2.660f. The Greeks ate τέττιγες to whet the appetite, Ath.4.133b, cf. Ar.Frr.51, 569.4, Alex.162.13 (anap.), Anaxandr.41.59 (anap., unless here the τέττιξ ἐνάλιος is meant, v. infr. 11); and as a medical remedy, Dsc. 2.51, Orib.Fr.64.
2. gold ornament worn in the hair (cf. “χρύσειαι δὲ κόρυμβαι ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν τέττιγες ὥςAsius Fr.Ep.13.5), esp. in early Attica, Th.1.6, Heraclid.Pont. ap. Ath.12.512c; ἀρχαῖα . . καὶ τεττίγων ἀνάμεστα, i.e. full of old-fashioned notions, Ar.Nu.984 (anap.), v. Sch.(980) and cf. τεττιγοφόρας; γυνὴ . . ἔχει τ. ἐπιχρύσους, in a list of votive offerings at Samos, Michel832.51 (iv B.C.).
3. Com. name for a foreign cook, Ath.14.659a, Hsch., cf. Poll.4.148,150.
4. Ἀκάνθιος τ., prov. of a silent person, Zen.1.51, St.Byz. s.v. Ἄκανθος.
II. τ. ἐνάλιος a kind of lobster, Arctos ursus, Ael.NA13.26.
III. part of the ear, “τοῦ λοβοῦ τὸ περὶ τῇ κυψέλῃPoll.2.86.
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