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τέρμινθος , ,
A.terebinth, Pistacia Terebinthus, Hp.Mul.2.192, Arist. Mir.837a33, Thphr.HP3.2.6, 9.2.2, Theoc.Ep.1.6, AP4.1.30 (Mel.), Dsc.1.71, Gal.6.351, 616 (v.l. τερεβ-), 624 (v.l. τερεβ-), etc.
2. a swelling like the fruit of the terebinth-tree, Hp.Hum.20, Epid.6.3.23, Diocl.Fr.82, cf. Erot., Gal.16.461. (This is apparently the oldest form, but τερεμινθ- and τερεβινθ- are freq. vv. ll.: τερέμινθος is given freq. by codd. A and B of LXX, and τερέβινθος by all the uncials in Is.1.30, 6.13 and four times elsewhere, cf. AP9.282 (Antip. Thess.), Gp.9.18.1; in Gal. codd. vary (v. supr.); a fem. τερεβίνθη prob. in PMag.Par.1.1312, v.l. in Gal.6.644; τρέμιθος (q.v.) is also found; τεττερέβινθος in Gloss. seems to be an error: cf. Τερβινθεύς.)
II. a parasitic growth on the olive, Thphr.CP2.17.4.
2. a flax-like plant from which the Athenians made fishinglines, Hsch., Phot., EM753.10.
III. = πιστάκη, Thphr.HP4.4.7.
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