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ῥέω , Il.22.149, etc.; Ep. ῥείω Hes.Fr.263 (dub.), D.P.1074, AP7.36 (Eryc.), but not in Hom.: impf. 3sg.
A.ἔρρειIl.17.86, Telecl.1.4, but elsewhere in Hom. ἔρρεε or ῥέε: fut. “ῥεύσομαιThgn.448, E.Fr. 384, Crates Com.15.4, Pherecr.130.5, Hp.Haem.5; also ῥευσοῦμαι, Arist.Mete.356a16, 361a33; later ῥεύσω, AP5.124 (Bass.): aor. “ἔρρευσαAr.Eq.526(anap.), Hp.Loc.Hom.11, Int.23, Mosch.3.33, AP5.32 (Parmen.), Plb.5.15.7 (ἀπ- ), Paus.5.7.4, etc.:—but the Att. fut. and aor. are of pass. form, “ῥυ^ήσομαιIsoc.8.140, cf. Hp.Nat.Hom.5; ἐρρύην [υ^] Th.3.116, X.Cyr.8.3.30, Pl.Ti.84c, etc., as also in Hdt.8.138; Dor. ἐξ-ερρύα, v. ἐκρέω; 3sg. subj. “ἐ[γ]ρυᾷGDI3591a51 (Calymna); Ep. 3sg. “ῥύηOd.3.455: pf. “ἐρρύηκαHp.Loc.Hom.10, Pl.R. 485d, Isoc.8.5; later ἔρρυκα, Gal.5.398.—A pres. Med. ῥέομαι occurs also in Orac. ap. Hdt.7.140 (v. infr.), Plu.Cor.3, Luc.Salt.71, Philostr. VS1.25.9, etc.; so “ἐρρεῖτοE.Hel.1602, Philostr.VA8.31, etc.—This Verb does not contr. εη, εο, εω:—flow, run, stream, gush, Od.19.204, Il.3.300, 17.86, etc.: with dat. of that which flows, [πηγὴ] ὕδατι ῥέει the fountain runs with water, 22.149, cf. Od.5.70, IG12.54.7; “ῥέε δ᾽ αἵματι γαῖαIl.8.65, etc.; “φάραγγες ὕδατι . . ῥέουσαιE.Tr.449 (troch.); “ῥεῖ γάλακτι πέδον ῥεῖ δ᾽ οἴνῳId.Ba.142(lyr.); οἴνῳ . . ἔρρει χαράδρα Telecl.l.c.(v. sub fin.); (also in Med., ἱδρῶτι ῥεούμενοι (metri gr. for ῥεόμενοι, cf. μαχεούμενοι) Orac. ap. Hdt.7.140; “φόνῳ ναῦς ἐρρεῖτοE. Hel.1602); “πόλιν χρυσῷ ῥέουσανId.Tr.995: so metaph., “πολλῷ . ἐπαίνῳAr.Eq.527: rarely with acc. in the same sense (v. infr. 11.2): also with gen., “ἀσφάλτουStr.7.5.8; “πολλοῦ ὕδατοςArr.An. 5.9.4: sts. with nom., “Ζεὺς χρυσὸς ῥυείςIsoc.10.59, cf. AP5.32 (Parmen.).
c. of a river, also . ἀπὸ τηκομένης χιόνος derive its stream from melted snow, Hdt.2.22.
d. prov., ἄνω ῥεῖν flow upwards, of inversion of the usual or right order, E.Supp.520; “ἄνω ποταμῶν ἐρρύησαν οἱ . . λόγοιD.19.287; cf. ἄνω (B)1.
3. fall, drop off, e.g. of hair, Od.10.393, Hes.Fr.29, Theoc. 2.89, etc.; of ripe fruit, Plb.12.4.14, Gp.9.12; of over-ripe corn, “ἤδη ῥέοντα τὸν στάχυνBabr.88.14; wear out, “εἰ ῥέοι τὸ σῶμα καὶ ἀπολλύοιτοPl.Phd.87d; of a house, to be in a tumble-down condition, Gorg. ap. Stob.4.51.28, Teles p.27 H.; ῥέουσαν σύγκρισιν στῆσαι to stay a collapse of the system, Herod.Med. ap. Orib.5.27.1.
4. of molten objects, liquefy, run, “ῥεῖ πᾶν ἄδηλονS.Tr.698; “τήκεται λίθος . . ὥστε καὶ ῥεῖνArist.Mete.383b6, cf. Thphr.Lap.9.
6. of persons, . ἐπί τι to be inclined, given to a thing, Isoc.8.5; “πρός τιPl.R.485d; οἱ ταύτῃ ῥυέντες ib.495b.
7. leak, of a ship, opp. στεγανὸν εἶναι, Arist.Fr.554, cf. Paus.8.50.7; λύχνοι ῥέοντες Roussel Cultes Egyptiens p.222(Delos, ii B.C.); of a roof, Men.Sam.248; [“ἀγγεῖον] ῥέονPlu.2.782e; “οἰνοχόαι ῥέουσαιMichel 815.131 (Delos, iv B.C.).
II. very rarely trans., let flow, pour, “ἔρρει χοάςE.Hec.528 (as v.l. for αἴρει):—this differs from the usage
2. c. acc. cogn., ῥείτω γάλα, μέλι, let the land run milk, honey, Theoc.5.124,126; αἷμα ῥυήσεται, of the Nile, Ezek.Exag.133; “οἶνον ῥέωνLuc.VH1.7, cf. LXXJl.3(4).18, Sch.Ar.Pl.287:—in place of this acc. the best writers commonly used the dat., v. supr. 1.1.
III. v. ῥέον. (Cf. ῥόϝος, Skt. sravati, Lith. sravēti 'flow': I.-E. srěw- alternating with sr[ocaron]w- and sr[ucaron]-.
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