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ῥοώδης (A), ες,
A.with a strong stream, running violently, of a sea in which there are strong currents, Th.4.24, Arist.Mete.366a25; “τὸ μάλιστα . τοῦ πελάγουςAel.NA7.24: hence, of rocks, promontories, etc., exposed to such seas, “κρημνόςStr.8.5.1; “ἄκραιAel.NA14.24; τόποι . regions of rapid currents, Arist.HA621a16, cf. Thphr.CP3.3.4.
II. Medic., running, “ὀφθαλμίαιHp.Epid.1.5: of persons, affected with diarrhoea or other fluxes, Id.Aër.3; “αἱ ὑπέρλευκοι -έστεραιId.Mul.2.111; . νόσος ibid. (but metaph. in Ph.1.698, cf. 2.428); πυρετοὶ . Dsc.5.26; πυρετὸς . Gal.19.399. Adv., “ῥοωδῶς πυρέσσεινCass.Pr. 70.
b. as Methodic t.t., . νόσημα, opp. στεγνόν, Gal.Sect.Intr.6; “πάθοςSor.1.29, 2.45.
III. falling off, “καρπόςThphr.CP5.9.10.
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