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θρέμμ-α , ατος, τό, (τρέφω)
A.nursling, creature, θ. Νηρεΐδων, of dolphins, Arion 1.9; mostly of tame animals, esp. sheep and goats, X. Ages.9.6, Oec.20.23, Plb.2.26.5, Ev.Jo.4.12, etc.; τὰ ἐν ταῖς ἀγέλαις θ. Pl.Plt.261d; τὰ ἀγελαῖα θ. ib.264a; ὑηνὰ θ. Id.Lg.819d; of game-cocks and quails, ὀρνίθων θ. ib.789b: generally, animals, τοῖς ἡμέροις καὶ ἀγρίοις . . θ. Id.Criti.118b, al.
2. of men, S.OT1143, Ph.243; Χαρίτων θ. Ar.Ec.973; “δύσκολον τὸ θ. ἄνθρωποςPl.Lg.777b, cf. Tht.174b; esp. of domestic slaves,= Lat. verna, τὸ Χρυσίππου θ. GDI12321.14 (Delph.), cf. CIG3113 (Teos).
3. generally, creature, ἄπλατον θ. κἀπροσήγορον, of a lion, S.Tr.1093 (cf. Pl.Chrm.155e); of Cerberus, S.Tr.1099; κακὰ θ., of a swarm of gnats, AP5.150 (Mel.); θ. Σελινοῦντος, of a fish, Archestr.Fr.12; Καρύστου θ., comic for a cup made at Carystus, Antiph.182.3; as a term of reproach, “θρέμματ᾽ οὐκ ἀνασχετάA.Th.182; “ θρέμμ᾽ ἀναιδέςS.El.622, cf. Ar.Lys.369; in periphr., ὕδρας θ., for ὕδρα, S.Tr.574; “νεογενῆ παίδων θρέμματαPl. Lg.790d; θρέμματα παλλακῶν kept mistresses, Plu.Sol.7. (Written “θέρματαBGU478.15 (ii A.D.)).
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