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νοθ-εύω ,
2. adulterate, Max.Tyr.37.4:— Pass., “νενοθευμένος τῇ ὕλῃ διὰ τὸ σωματικόνPlu.2.373b; “νοθευθῆναιLuc.Deor.Conc.7.
II. Medic., [πυρετὸς] ὅστις ἂν [τὸ εἶδος] νοθεύσῃ departs from the normal type, Gal.7.339; of persons, “ν. τὰ τοῦ μέτρου τῶν γυμνασίων γνωρίσματαId.6.130, cf. 10.601 (Pass.).
III. consider spurious, τὸ "Ἴλιον αἰπύ" ν. Ἀρίσταρχος St.Byz.s.v. Ἴλιον:— Pass., D.L.2.124, Marcellin.Vit. Thuc.43, etc.
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