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μυρμηκ-ιά or μυρμηκ-ία , ,
A.ant-hill, Dinol.12 (nisi leg. -ιᾶν), Arist. HA534b23, Thphr.Sign.22.
II. metaph.,
1. throng of people, as in a crowded lecture-room, Hsch.; also “μ. ἀγαθῶνCom.Adesp. 828.
2. ᾁδων (sic Fritzsche pro ἄγων ἐκτραπέλους μυρμηκιάς trills and arpeggios, Pherecr.145.23; cf. “μύρμηξ1.2.
III. wart, differing from ἀκροχορδών, which has a neck, whereas μυρμηκία spreads under the skin, also the irritation caused thereby, which was compared to the creeping of ants, Hp.Liqu.4, Ph.2.225, Dsc.1.68, Heliod. ap.Orib.45.14.1, Poll.4.195.
2. similar disease in a horse, Hippiatr. 82.
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