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μυ_θ-εύω , pf.
A.μεμύθευκαPhld.Mus.p.24 K.: later form of μυθέομαι, E.HF77; “ἅπαντα μυθεύσασαEzek.Exag.34: c. acc. et inf., Phld. l. c., al.:—Pass., to be spoken of, E.Ion196 (lyr.); ὡς μεμύθευται βροτοῖς as is related by mortals, as the story goes, ib.265.
II. relate fabulously, Str.1.2.35; “πράξεις μεμύθευκεSocr.Ep.30.9: c.acc. et inf., Arist.Mir.836b1:—Pass., “τὰ μυθευόμενα λιθοῦσθαιId.PA641a20; “μυθεύονται κατασχεῖν τὴν νῆσονStr.14.2.8, cf. D.C.51.26: without inf., Palaeph.4.
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