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λαιψηρός , ά, όν,
A.light, nimble, swift, “λαιψηρά τε γοῦναIl.22.204, al.; of persons, light-footed, swift, 21.264; λ. βελέεσσιν ib.278; “ἀνέμων λ. κέλευθα14.17; λ. δρόμος, πόδες, Pi.P.121, N.10.63, B.Scol.Oxy. Fr.4.9; “γνάθοιE.Alc.494; “πόλεμοιPi.O.12.4: neut. pl. as Adv., swiftly, E.Ion717 (lyr.), Opp.H.1.237: regul. Adv. -ρῶς ib.5.660.
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