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λῆμμα , ατος, τό, (λαμβάνω)
A.anything received, opp. δόμα, Antig. ap. Plu.2.182e; λ. καὶ ἀνάλωμα receipt and expense, Lys.32.20, Pl.Lg. 920c, Anaxandr.26; ἀνενεγκεῖν ἐν- Pap.) ἐν λήμματι place to credit, PEleph.15.4 (iii B.C.), cf. BGU1346.2 (i B.C.), etc.: generally, gain, profit, D.5.12, etc.; “λ. τι κέρδουςId.45.14; esp. of unjust gain, Din. 1.45; παντὸς ἥττων λήμματος unable to resist any temptation of gain, D.19.339; “ὥσπερ ἂν τρυτάνη ἐπὶ τὸ λ. ῥέπεινId.18.298; “λ. λαβεῖνId.21.28, 27.39: freq. in pl., S.Ant.313, D.8.25, etc.; “τὰ λ. τοῦ ἀργυρίουId.49.57; “λημμάτων μετέχεινId.58.40; “τἀπὸ Θρᾴκης λ. ἕλκουσι δεῦροAntiph.196.
II. in Logic, statement taken as true, assumption; esp. premiss in a syllogism, “ἐπὶ λ. τῷ τοιούτῳA.D.Synt.245.13; “τὰ οἰκεῖα τῇ ἐπιστήμῃ λ.Arist.Top.101a14; λήμματα τιθέναι ib. 156a21, cf. Gell.9.16, Phld.Rh.1.9 S.; prop. the major premiss (the minor being πρόσληψις), Crinis Stoic.3.269; later, ἀποδεικτικὰ λήμματα παρασχεῖν offer scientific proofs, Gal.14.627.
III. matter, substance, or argument of a sentence, etc., opp. form or style (λέξις), D.H.Dem.20, Longin.15.10, etc.: hence, title or argument of an epigram, Lat. lemma, Mart.14.2; theme or thesis, Plin.Ep.4.27.3, Mart.10.59; nutricis lemmata, 'baby songs', Aus.Ep.12.90.
IV. in LXX, burden laid on one, commission received, esp. of prophecy, Na. 1.1, Je.23.33, al.; even, “λῆμμα ἰδεῖνHb.1.1, cf. La.2.14.
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