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ἱστίον , τό (Dim. of ἱστός in form only),
A.web, cloth, sheet: hence in pl., hangings, LXXEx.27.9,15; as a measure, piece, PRyl.70.25 (ii B.C.); but,
II. from Hom. downwds., sail, mostly in pl. ἱστία, ἕλκον δ᾽ ἱστία λευκὰ . . βοεῦσιν they hauled them up with ox-hide ropes, Od.2.426; τέταθ᾽ ἱστία the sails were spread, 11.11, cf. Pi. N.5.51; ἱστία στέλλεσθαι, μηρύεσθαι, καθελεῖν, to lower or furl sail (v. sub vocc.): “λύεινOd.15.496; “ἱστίοισι χρᾶσθαιHdt.4.110; “ἄκροισι χρώμενος τοῖς ἱστίοιςAr.Ra.1000: prov., πλήρεσιν . under full sail, with all one's might, Philostr.VS1.25.5, cf. Suid.: rarely in sg., “ἐν δ᾽ ἄνεμος πρῆσεν μέσον ἱστίονIl.1.481; “ἐξίει . ἀνεμόενPi.P.1.92; “ἱστίῳ καταπετάσαι τινάPl.Prm.131b, cf. PMagd.11.7 (iii B.C.).
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