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Ἡρακλεώτης , ου, ,
A.a man of Heraclea, Arist.Pol.1327b14, IG22.1271 (-ειώτης ib.12.145):—Adj. Ἡρακλεωτικός , ή, όν, of Heraclea, Arist.HA525b5; “ἅμμαHeracl. ap. Orib.48.8.1; [καρύα] Thphr.HP 1.10.6, 3.6.5, cf. Zopyr. ap. Orib.14.50.2; “ἀμύγδαλαDiocl.Fr.126; “ὀρίγανος -κήPhilum.Ven.16.9; but σκύφος Ἡρακλεωτικός is said to derive its name directly from Heracles, Ath.11.500a:—fem. also Ἡρακλειτ-ῶτις Thphr.HP3.3.8, al.
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