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διάχυ^σις , εως, ,
A.diffusion, Hp.Vict.2.60, Pl.Cra.419c; extension, Plu.2.771b; spreading,γῆςGp.5.25.2; δ. λιμνώδη λαμβάνειν to spread out like a lake, Plu.Mar.37.
2. waste, loss,σπέρματοςThphr. CP4.4.7.
3. softening, ib.4.12.2.
II. dissolution, liquefaction, opp. πῆξις, Arist.Mete.382a30.
III. relaxation,συστολαὶ καὶ δ.Epicur.Fr.410, cf. Chrysipp.Stoic.3.119; “τὰς ἐπὶ σαρκὶ τῆς ψυχ_ῆς δ.Epicur. l.c., cf. Aret.SD1.5; cheerfulness,ψυχῆςSor.1.97; merriment, Plu.Cat.Mi.46, Hierocl.p.54A., Hdn.Fig.p.92 S.; ridicule, Phld.Lib.p.37O.; cheerful expression, Plu.Dem.25.
IV. δ. ὀμμάτων 'melting' look, Id.2.335c.
V. = δελφίνιον, Ps.-Dsc. 3.73.
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