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διακληρ-όω , Dor. διακληρ-κλα_ρόω ,
A.assign by lot, allot,ἐφ᾽ ἑκάστῃ . . φερνήνA.Supp.978 (anap.), cf. Arist.Ath.30.3, 50.2; “ἐπὶτὰς φυλάςSIG531.29 (Dyme, iii B.C.):—Med., have allotted to one,τῦφον ἐκ νόμωνDiog. Ep.28.1, cf. Procop.Goth.4.20,al.:—Pass., Pl.Lg.760c.
2. choose by lot, X.Cyr.6.3.36; τὸ δέκατον δ. θανεῖν, of decimating soldiers, App. BC2.47:—Med. c. acc., ib.18, Iamb.Myst.1.5, al.: but usu. abs., cast lots, Th.8.30, X.Cyr.6.3.34; “πρὸς σφᾶς αὐτούςD.59.103.
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