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δυσφορ-έω , impf.
A.ἐδυσφόρουνHp.Epid.3.1.γ́, X.Cyr.2.2.8:—to be impatient, angry, vexed, Hdt.5.19, A.Supp.513, S.El.255, Pherecr. 22 D., Ar.Th.73, Men 543.7, etc.; “κακοῖςE.Andr.1234; “ἐπί τινιA. Th.780 (lyr.), J.AJ1.10.4, Hdn.3.9.7; περὶ τὰς ἀναστάσιας to feel ill on getting up, Hp. l. c.; “διά τιD.S.4.61:—Med., X.Cyr.2.2.8, Procop.Arc.10, 12:—Pass., S.Ichn.329, v. l. in X.Cyr.2.2.5.
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