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ἄθεος (A), ον,
A.without God, denying the gods, esp. those recognized by the state, Pl.Ap.26c, etc.: applied to Diagoras, Cic.ND1.23.63; παράδειγμα ., opp. θεῖον, Pl.Tht.176e.
2. generally, godless, ungodly, Pi.P.4.162, A.Eu.151, S.Tr.1036: Comp. “-ώτεροςLys. 6.32: Sup. “-ώτατοςX.An.2.5.39.
3. abandoned of the gods, S.OT661; “μανίαιB.10.109.
4. not derived from the name of a god, “ὀνόματαClearch.63.
II. Adv. -ως by the anger of heaven (cf. 1.3), “. ἐφθαρμένηS.OT254, cf.El.1181: Sup. -ώτατα in most unholy wise, ib.124 (lyr.).
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